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Error Handling

Once you upload a file with .csv extension, it will be automatically processed. Then, you will always find a corresponding error file with .csv.err extension in the same directory.

Files uploaded with any other extension will not be processed and an error file will not be generated. Depending on the file size, it may take longer for the file to be processed and for the error file to be generated.


For example:

  • If you upload foo.csv, it will be processed and you will find foo.csv.err in the same directory.
  • If you upload foo.xls, it will not be processed and you will not find foo.xls.err in the same directory.

Understanding error files

When you get an empty error file (zero bytes), it means all records were processed successfully. Otherwise, only records that failed to process will be reported in the error file.

Hypothetically, say you upload the following file.

TransactionRef,  Amount
T101, 72500
T102, -9900

Then, you get the following error file.

Errors,                   TransactionRef,  Amount
Amount must be positive, T102, -9900

This means transaction T101 was processed successfully and transaction T102 failed to process due to invalid amount.

Fixing error files

We have designed our error files to make it easy for you to identify and fix errors.

To fix errors in a reliable manner, we recommend the following process.

  1. Download the error file to use it as a starting point.
    • Do not use the original file as a starting point, otherwise it may duplicate records that were processed successfully.
  2. Rename it to .csv extension.
    • Do not overwrite files. Always use the current timestamp as filename, for example, 2021-01-01-15-00-00.csv.
  3. Fix errors, remove the Errors column and upload the new file.
    • If there are still any errors, repeat step 1 for the new error file.


Once you identify the error pattern, fix the underlying issue so your integration with InDebted doesn't face the same issue again.