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Account Upload

Uploading Accounts

You can create new customers and accounts, and you can update existing customers and accounts via Account Upload. We strongly advise you to aggregate multiple accounts by customer. This provides your customers with concise communications and consolidated payment options drastically improving your collections performance.

This document is updated to require additional fields to be completed to support accurate calculation of Statute of Limitations date, as well as for complete Notice of Assignment details.


To get started, download a sample file with the following customers.

  • John has one account
  • Olivia has two accounts

Filename convention: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss.csv

AccountRef *String, unique constraintUnique value representing the account in your system. Use the same reference for updating existing accounts.
StatementOfWorkID *StringThe Statement of Work to assign this account to. Once assigned, this value cannot be changed.
DueDate *String date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the account was due for payment. This is used for allocating payments to the account with the oldest due date.
ChargeOffDateString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the account was charged off
DateOfLastPaymentReceived ⚠️String date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the last payment received from customer was processed. Can be blank if not applied.

⚠️ This date must be before referral time
OutOfStatuteDate NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the statute of limitations expires.
DelinquencyDate NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the account first became delinquent. This value cannot be changed.
Balance ⚠️Integer representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount to collect for this account.

⚠️ This value must be greater than zero when creating new accounts and it will be ignored when updating existing accounts. For updating this value, see Transaction Upload.
CustomerRef *String, unique constraint, cannot contain any PIIUnique value representing the customer in your system. Use the same reference for updating existing customers.
TitleConstant, e.g. MxCustomer's title. See all Customer Titles below. Invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
FirstName *StringWhen the customer has a last name, their last name is required for regulatory compliance.
MiddleNameStringWhen the customer has a last name, their last name is required for regulatory compliance.
LastNameStringWhen the customer has a last name, their last name is required for regulatory compliance.
SOON will be Required
String data formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
EmailsString delimited by semicolon, e.g.;
For regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
PhonesString delimited by semicolon, including country code, e.g.
+61444555666; +61999888777
For regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
AddressLine1String, required when any address field is providedFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
AddressLine2String, optionalFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
CityString, required when any address field is providedFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
StateString, required when any address field is provided, except for the United Kingdom and New ZealandFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
PostcodeString, required when any address field is providedFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.
CountryString, required when any address field is providedFor regulatory compliance, at least two of the following must be provided: date of birth, email, phone, address. Further, invalid values will be ignored so the customer and account are still created successfully, provided all other validations succeed.

Balance Breakdown

If you charge interest or fees, we recommend you to provide your customers with the following breakdown which helps avoiding disputes. The total amount should add up to the account Balance.

Download a sample file with Balance Breakdown.

BalancePrincipalInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The principal amount owed as of referral time. This value cannot be changed.
BalanceInterestInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in interest as of referral time. This value cannot be changed.
BalanceFeesInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in fees as of referral time. This value cannot be changed.

Itemization NEW

For Customers|Clients in the United States, the following fields are required to enable the delivery of a Notice of Assignment.

ItemizationDate * NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThe date on which the account was itemized. This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateBalance * NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The balance of the account as of the itemization date. This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateType * NEWStringThe type/description of the date on which the account was itemized. This can be one of the following values:
charge_off_date: the date the debt was charged off,
last_payment_date: the last date a payment was applied to the debt
last_statement_date: the date of the last periodic statement or written account statement, or invoice provided to the consumer by a creditor
, transaction_date: the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt. It is the date that the good or service that gave rise to the debt was provided or made available to the consumer
judgment_date: the date of a final court judgment that determines the amount of the debt owed by the consumer.

This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateAccountNumber * NEWStringAccount Number at Itemization Date - The account number associated with the debt on the Itemization Date, or a truncated version of that number.
FeesSinceItemization * NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in fees between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.
InterestSinceItemization * NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in interest between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.
PaymentsAndCreditsSinceItemization * NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in payments and credits between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.

Product Information

This information may be used for different use cases like BNPL Merchants, Credit Card and Loan Labels. This helps your customers remember their purchase or agreement which in turn improves your collections performance.

Download a sample file with Product Information.

ProductVendorStringThe name of the business or entity where the purchase was made and accepts the payment. It's the name under which the transaction is processed and appears on the credit card statement of the cardholder. For example, if you make a purchase at a store called "ABC Mart," "ABC Mart" would be the merchant name that appears on your credit card statement for that transaction
ProductNameStringName of the product or service such as the good purchased with BNPL.
ProductAmountInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The purchase or service amount agreed upon.
ProductAgreementDateString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the purchase or service agreement has taken place.

Client Display Name

If your company operates under multiple brands or branches and each customer is familiar with a different name, you can customise the name to be displayed for each customer which helps setting up the context for collections.

Download a sample file with Client Display Name.

ClientDisplayNameStringYour brand or branch name to be used in all communications as a replacement for your company name, specifically for this customer.

Creditor And Merchant Information

To support an accurate calculation of Statute of Limitations date as well as to enable the delivery of a Notice of Assignment, you must provide Originating Creditor and Current Creditor information. You only need to provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.

Download a sample file with Originating Creditor.

OriginatingCreditorLegalName *StringThe entity that made or underwrote the loan.
OriginatingCreditorAccountRef *StringUnique value representing the account within the scope of the Originating creditor.
ItemizationDateCreditor * NEWStringThe name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the Itemization Date.
CurrentCreditorLegalName * NEWStringThe name of the entity to whom the debt is currently owed.
MerchantName * NEW ⚠️StringName of a business or entity that is co-branded with the issuer of the credit line.
For example, where a credit card issued by ABC Bank is co-branded, with XYZ Store, "XYZ Store" is the merchant name.

⚠️ You must only provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.
Affinity * NEW ⚠️StringName of a business or entity that is affiliated with the issuer of the credit line.
For example, where a consumer’s credit card issued by ABC Bank includes a logo for the College of Columbia, "College of Columbia" is the affinity name.

⚠️ You must only provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.

Customer Titles


Preferred Language

This is a feature designed to provide language preferences for users within the United States. The PreferredLanguage field allows users to specify their preferred language for communication within the United States.

This feature supports two languages: English US and Spanish US.

Supported Countries The preferred language feature is available only for clients within the United States.

Language Options This feature supports two languages:

  • English US must be indicated as en-US
  • Spanish US must be indicated as es-US

Account Creation The PreferredLanguage field can be set during the initial account upload process. You can indicate a customer's preferred language by providing one of the following values:

PreferredLanguageStringThe PreferredLanguage is an optional field, if not provided during account creation the default language will be set to English US.

Scenario-Based Behaviours

  • Accounts uploaded without specifying the PreferredLanguage attribute will default to English (United States).
  • If the PreferredLanguage attribute is included but left empty, the system will default to English (United States).
  • Specifying en-US as the PreferredLanguage sets the language to English (United States).
  • Specifying es-US as the PreferredLanguage sets the language to Spanish (United States).
  • If a value like en-CA is provided, an error will be flagged during the upload with the message: locale is not supported: invalid-language.
  • After account upload is complete, the PreferredLanguage attribute cannot be updated.