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Overview of our File Spec

We have adopted CSV over SFTP as the financial industry standard file format and secure network protocol for data transfer. This enables both engineering teams as well as non-technical personnel to easily integrate with our Collections Platform.


The following requirements are applicable to all files.

  • Standard CSV format with .csv extension, UNIX line feed (\n) and UTF-8 encoding
  • Monetary values are expressed as integer values in your organisation local currency
  • Required values are annotated with * and exceptional cases are annotated with **
  • CSV Headers and Constants are case-sensitive

Your FTP home directory contains the following directories.

/AccountUploadRead & WriteDirectory where you can upload new and existing accounts. For more details, see Account Upload.
/AccountRecallRead & WriteDirectory where you can upload accounts to be recalled. For more details, see Account Recall.
/TransactionUploadRead & WriteDirectory where you can upload account balance changes. For more details, see Transaction Upload.
/AccountActivityReportsRead onlyDirectory where you can download daily account activity reports. For more details, see Account Activity Reports.
/PaymentReportsRead onlyDirectory where you can download daily payment reports. For more details, see Payment Reports.
/PayoutReportsRead onlyDirectory where you can download daily payout reports. For more details, see Payout Reports.