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Payment Reports

As we collect payments from your customers and funds are cleared in our bank account, we provide Payment Reports on a daily basis between 6:00 am and 12:00 pm UTC. This is useful in case you need to reactivate your customer accounts as soon as they have made a payment to us.


Filename convention: YYYY-MM-DD.csv

PaymentIDStringInDebted Payment ID.
StatementOfWorkIDStringStatement of Work ID associated with the account.
StatementOfWorkNameStringStatement of Work name associated with the account.
AccountRefStringSame value as you have provided in the Account Upload which represents the account in your system.
CustomerRefStringSame value as you have provided in the Account Upload which represents the customer in your system.
AmountInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00Payment amount applied to the corresponding account.
PaymentDateString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the payment funds have been cleared in our bank account.