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Account Upload – 2024 Updates


InDebted is committed to being an unparalleled partner in servicing our Clients' accounts. Our goal is to ensure that our processes are as compliant, efficient and effective as possible for your customers. To achieve this goal and further optimize our debt collection efforts, we're introducing the following additional requirements for account uploads:

Statute of Limitations

OutOfStatuteDate NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the statute of limitations expires.

If you do not provide the OutOfStatuteDate as calculated by you, then you must provide at least one of the following fields:

DateOfLastPaymentReceived ⚠️String date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the last payment received from customer was processed. Can be blank if not applied.

⚠️ This date must be before referral time
ChargeOffDateString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the account was charged off
DelinquencyDate NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the account first became delinquent. This value cannot be changed.

Itemization NEW

For Customers|Clients in the United States, the following fields are required, to enable delivery of a Notice of Assignment. You only need to provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.

OriginatingCreditorLegalName *StringThe entity that made or underwrote the loan.
CurrentCreditorLegalName NEW
SOON will be Required
StringThe name of the entity to whom the debt is currently owed.
ItemizationDateCreditor NEW *StringThe name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the Itemization Date.
MerchantName NEW ⚠️StringName of a business or entity that is co-branded with the issuer of the credit line.
For example, where a credit card issued by ABC Bank is co-branded, with XYZ Store, "XYZ Store" is the merchant name.

⚠️ You must only provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.
Affinity NEW ⚠️StringName of a business or entity that is affiliated with the issuer of the credit line.
For example, where a consumer’s credit card issued by ABC Bank includes a logo for the College of Columbia, "College of Columbia" is the affinity name.

⚠️ You must only provide one of MerchantName or Affinity.
ItemizationDate NEWString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThe date on which the account was itemized. This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateBalance NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The balance of the account as of the itemization date. This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateType NEWStringThe type/description of the date on which the account was itemized. This can be one of the following values:
charge_off_date: the date the debt was charged off,
last_payment_date: the last date a payment was applied to the debt
last_statement_date: the date of the last periodic statement or written account statement, or invoice provided to the consumer by a creditor
, transaction_date: the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt. It is the date that the good or service that gave rise to the debt was provided or made available to the consumer
judgment_date: the date of a final court judgment that determines the amount of the debt owed by the consumer.

This value cannot be changed.
ItemizationDateAccountNumber NEWStringAccount Number at Itemization Date - The account number associated with the debt on the Itemization Date, or a truncated version of that number.
FeesSinceItemization NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in fees between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.
InterestSinceItemizationNEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in interest between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.
PaymentsAndCreditsSinceItemization NEWInteger representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00The amount accrued in payments and credits between the itemization date and time of referral. This value cannot be changed.

Date of Birth

InDebted does not collect on under-age customers. Date of Birth is now required to verify the age of the customer.

SOON will be Required
String data formatted as YYYY-MM-DD